Wow! It has been ages since I blogged. I decided to get back to blogging now that I found more free time during the weekends. I just wanted to update what has been going on in my life. =)
Most recent selfie lol |
Over the summer, I moved to a new city to get closer to my parents' jobs. I am now in my senior year of high school and started at a new school this year (yeah, it sucks). I took on a job but eventually quit because of the heavy workload that they give us in school and the college apps that came up. So I spent most of my time applying for college, taking tests for college, and doing school work. The change of school really took a toll on me and caused multiple emotional breakdowns.
Senior Portrait (make up by MAC) |
FORTUNATELY, one of my best friends was planning on having a Debut (special 18th birthdays for Filipinos) and she invited me to become a part of her court. This allowed me to go back to my old city every Saturday to practice for her Debut which allowed me to see my friends and family. (Some court pics below)
So this is how I spent my weekends. After practices, we would eat out and then I'd have to go home... Everytime I leave, I always feel depressed for some reason but knowing that I'll be coming back the next week makes me feel better.
Throughout the months, colleges started to send out their admission decisions and I got in pretty much all of the schools I applied to which is great but my number 1 school has yet to reply... IT'S OK I am feeling confident! (=
The day for my friends Debut came and it was so fun! I was thankful for being a part of her court. (pictures from the party below)

I did my own make up for this party (no up-close pics though) which was my very first time and I was pretty proud of myself. I can do eyeliner and face make up everyday but eye shadow is such a pain and I was proud of myself for being able to do it haha!
So, that is what has been happening in my life. Now that there are no more practices, I have a lot free time now. It was sad when it was all over... but I'm still able to visit though not very often.
I will post a lot more now about new products I've tried, products I love, products I STILL USE, make up tutorials, hair tutorials, and so much more! OH AND I'm getting my braces off next month YAAAAY!
Thanks for reading! ^_^
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